We operate in an abundant field of energy. This energy has been known under many names including ether, prana, chi, and the Universal Life Energy. Science determined that we are electro-magnetic beings and that our words, thoughts, and emotions have a powerful effect on our energy field. Any imbalance in our field, if ignored, can lead to a physical illness. This is where energy healing comes in; its purpose being to treat energetic disturbances in our bodies, where they begin.
Energetic healing can be facilitated in a multitude of ways. The simplest form of energy healing is touch, which allows for movement of the chi throughout the body. Crystals, sounds, and plants are commonly used as tools, because they raise people’s vibrations. The “Healer” is also considered a tool and is always present throughout the process. She/He enables the client to obtain the energy they need to heal. All-in-all, regardless of the manner in which one chooses to rebalance their energy field, the body knows what it needs to begin the self-healing process, and the Healer simply serves as a guide. It is important to understand that energy healing does not mean the same for everyone. For some it means relief of physical symptoms, for others it is more internal (resolving emotional traumas or for spiritual growth). Every case is individual and unique, and the path to self-healing is unique too. **Disclaimer** Please keep in mind that energy healing is a complementary healing system. |