Just as other energy healing modalities offered here, this is a non-invasive therapy. Crystal healing sessions help in balancing and re-aligning the Client’s electro-magnetic field by placing specific crystals on a body. It removes emotional and energetic blockages and enables self-healing while facilitating deep relaxation.
During the session, the Client is resting comfortably on a massage table while the Practitioner places specific crystals on the body, where the chakras are located, and is working with multiple crystals for the energetic readjustment. The session can include aromatherapy, chromotherapy (color light therapy) and meditative music. 60 min. session: $120. 90 min. session (standard): $175. Package of three 90 min. sessions (to use within 2 months): $475. Crystal healing is a complementary healing modality and is not a substitute for medical care. If you are unwell, please contact your doctor. |